The Oscars are close. Take a look at the best movies from the last 15 years.
The nominations have been announced. I really can’t wait to watch all those movies I haven’t seen yet. Before it happens, let’s take a quick look at the best motion pictures from 2000 till 2014.
2000 – American Beuty
It’s such a shame but I watched American Beuty last year, in 2014. Until few years ago, I wouldn’t be able to understand this movie. Now I do. I also appreciate the fact that Kevin Spacey got the award in American Beuty.
2001 – Gladiator
Maybe it’s just the show, maybe the interesting and moving story or maybe it’s because the great cast. Anyway, Gladiator is one of the best movies I have ever seen.
2002 – Beutiful Mind
The beginning of 00’s was very good for Russel Crowe. That time he wasn’t even thinking about singing in Les Miserables…I have warm feelings about Beautiful Mind. I was moved by it, I cried and later I was looking for some informations about main charackter. The goal was accomplished.
2003 – Chicago
Mrrau! I love all musicals and I watched least 4 times. I can’t mention about every time I listened to soundtrack on YouTube. One more thing: There’s no way Chicago would be that awesome if not Catherine Zeta – Jones as Velma Kelly. She’s totally stolen that movie!
2004 – The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King
Once upon a time Peter Jackson knew how to make awesome movies full of great charackters and moving stories. I just shed a tear or two and forget about latest Hobbit thing. The LOTR marathon is much better idea!
2005 – Million Dollar Baby
2006 – Crash
2007 – The Departed
2008 – Not Country For Old Men
I’ve never seen those movies. How a bad blogger am I. I should have left the laptop, done my research and then maybe write anything. Yeah…Instead hating let’s see what was on in 2009.
2009 – Slumdog Millionaire
There is some kind of innocence and hope in that movie. Thanks to that it’s easier to handle the brutal truth full of poverty, injustice and children exploitation.
2010 – The Hurt Locker.
You have to forgive me. I got married in 2010. It’s not easy to become accustomed to the man in the house.
2011 – The King’s Speech
Very nice story of the stammering king. The movie is made in a great way, the cast is awesome but IMO it’s not enough for the Oscar.
2012 – The Artist
I went into the sulk because I believe that the Oscar should have gone to the Servants. This is my opinion and I agree with it 🙂
2013 – Argo
I’ve got little problem with that movie. Well, it is interesting and well played, of course. Unfortunately, I feel the lack of „that thing” which makes pictures awesome. As soon as I watched it, I forgot about Argo.
2014 – 12 Years a Slave
Many said that the movie has won because of the topic. There’s some truth at that point. That’s why I believe that Selma has a good chance of winning the Oscar this year. Anyway, I really enjoyed watching 12 Years a Slave and I recommended it to my friends.